Ubuntu Linux Becomes the Preferred Operating System for Pivotal's Cloud Platform

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

Canonical has announced a new partnership between them and Pivotal to collaborate on delivering a cloud native platform based on the popular Ubuntu Linux operating system to their customers.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is Pivotal’s cloud native platform, which now uses the latest Ubuntu Linux operating system and Canonical’s Ubuntu Advantage (UA) support services, is designed to offer customers the latest software innovations, as well as a rapid response approach to Linux vulnerabilities.

Thanks to the new partnership between Canonical and Pivotal, it is now possible for some of the world’s most popular brands to access secure and certified Ubuntu Linux images within the Pivotal Cloud Foundry platform. According to Canonical, Ubuntu is currently the most widely used Linux distribution on the planet.

“Ubuntu on Pivotal Cloud Foundry brings together the leading Linux OS and Cloud Native Platform for Enterprise scale-out cloud deployments,” said Dustin Kirkland, Ubuntu Pro… (read more)

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