LXD 5.0 LTS is now available | Ubuntu

  • Post Updated: April 4, 2024

Lxd 50 lts is now available ubuntu

Canonical LXD logo

The stable release of LXD, the system container and VM manager, is now available. LXD 5.0 is the fourth LTS release for LXD, and will be supported for 5 years, until June 2027. LXD 5.0 comes preinstalled with Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS released last week, and for Ubuntu Desktop users, it’s only a couple of commands away. This release significantly steps up LXD’s abilities in comparison to LXD 4.0 LTS, especially when operating in clustered environments.

What’s new in LXD 5.0?

LXD 5.0 LTS comes with a variety of great improvements whether it’s running containers and VMs on a laptop or a variety of projects across a rack full of clustered servers. It involves significant improvements in networking, projects, and cluster areas, as well as migration features. Below is an overview of some of the key features, and a detailed announcement with a complete changelog can be found here. For those interested in demos of some of the new features, you can watch the <a…

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