On this page you will learn how to install and download Atraci on your Ubuntu 24.04 and beyond all for free of course. First of all, lets answer a simple question, what is Atraci?
Atraci is is an application for Windows, Mac and Linux that lets you listen instantly to more than 60 million songs. It requires no sign up, displays no ads and is 100% safe.

Atraci is a new open-source desktop media player that takes YouTube’s huge database of music and uses some clever metadata matching through Last.fm and SoundCloud to turn it into the world’s biggest on-demand music streaming service for your Ubuntu 18.04 system.
Atraci Features:
- Album and artist autosuggestions
- Sort results by ‘default’, ‘artist’ or ‘track’
- View results in ‘grid’ or ‘list’ layouts
- Accompanying video can be made full screen
- ‘Shuttle’ and ‘Repeat’ options
- Create playlists
- In-app volume slider, track scrubber and album artwork
Download Atraci
- Download Atraci YouTube Music App on GitHub
- On Ubuntu, download the .tar.gz archive that corresponds to your system, extract its content, and then double-click on the ‘Atraci’ binary inside. The Atraci binary may need executable permissions, You can use a terminal commands to fix this:
chmod +x /path-to-Atraci-folder/Atraci
Using the path to the extracted Atraci folder. If Atraci complains about libudev.so.0, you can grab binaries for the old libudev0 package that’s since been removed from Ubuntu and install it:
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