Download LibreOffice 5.2
Install & update to LibreOffice 5.2 for free on your Linux OS. We have a list of new features with screenshots.
Install & update to LibreOffice 5.2 for free on your Linux OS. We have a list of new features with screenshots.
Easily upload your own screenshots & upload them to imgur anonymously or with your account, for free. We have screenshots & features list.
install Yosembiance theme on Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10, 15.04, 15.10, 16.04 & even Linux Mint. You will love the flat icons new slick feel.
Install & download Trigger Rally game for Linux. Choose from over 100 maps, cars with upgrades and race other people with amazing graphics.
Download the Ubuntu server for beginners tutorial in PDF & learn to install and configure Linux server applications on your Ubuntu system, easily.
Download & Install Xtreme Download Manager on Ubuntu & Linux Mint so you can download files faster along with mirrors.
Download & Install Plasma 5.4 by KDE for your Linux system, but make sure you check out the new features.
Download & Install MiniTube on your Ubuntu or Linux Mint so that you can play videos without the Flash Player.
It’s true! DirectX 11 and beyond will now be available on your Ubuntu/Linux OS in 2015!
Calife is a command that some recommend instead of using Sudo. Here is why you should consider Calife on your Ubuntu.