Can it play Doom? Running an AI LAN party on a Spark cluster with ViZDoom | Ubuntu


It’s all about AI these days, so I decided to try and answer the important question: can you make a Spark cluster run AI agents that play a game of Doom, in a multiplayer LAN party? Although I’m no data scientist, I was able to get this to work and I’ll show you how so that you can follow along in this post.

Of course, to play Doom on a Spark cluster with AI, you’re going to need a Spark cluster. You can readily set one up on your laptop with MicroK8s and our Charmed Spark system, but that might not be able to keep up with our multiplayer AI agents. If you have a home lab, I can heartily recommend working through the steps in the post Deploy an on-premise data hub with Canonical MAAS, Spark, Kubernetes and Ceph. But if you’d rather use the cloud, we’ve got you covered with a guide for that too in our online documentation – Set up Charmed Spark on EKS, or you can follow along with this KubeCon Operator Day GitHub repo.

Got a Spark cluster? Alright, let’s get…

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