Open source for beginners: setting up your dev environment with LXD | Ubuntu

  • Post Updated: April 4, 2024

Open source for beginners setting up your dev environment with

If you are a developer, or even just a person generally interested in technology, you already know that cloud computing is what keeps the wheels turning today. It emerged as a way to run things more efficiently and reduce the burden of infrastructure management. There are many tools you can use to develop, test, deploy and integrate systems in the cloud, be it private or public, and there is no right or wrong way to go about learning this. In the “Open source for beginners” blog series, we go over some of the valuable open-source tools or infrastructure options that can help get you started on your cloud journey.

LXD is one such versatile tool. It’s great for both people that are just starting and organisations that are looking for a resource-efficient way to develop and deploy their systems. Are you looking for a way to practice your Linux commands without jeopardizing your underlying system? Want to practice running complex infrastructure use cases? Perhaps you’d…

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