Hello everyone, how are you all doing now? I hope you are all having a great day so far. I had a great Easter weekend until around 2-3 AM this morning when I received a phone call from a friend who appeared to be having a serious mental breakdown. We talked for an hour or so but I was so tired that I don’t think everything I was telling him made sense, anyway, please read on…
Today we will highlight an awesome new theme that was first spotted in the underground Linux community. I present to you United GNOME. It began as a mockup of Ubuntu desktop but someone suddenly turned it into a real working theme for your Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10 and probably the other Ubuntu versions and Linux Distro’s including Fedora.
What Is United GNOME Theme?
Based on a Ubuntu 18.04 design concept Flat-Plat as a base. Made on and for GNOME 3.24 (Ubuntu), tested and works fine on 3.22 (Fedora). Most likely will work with 3.20 and up. A cool wallpaper is also included.
Dash to dock. Enable panel mode and position it on the left.
Dynamic Panel Transparency. The non-dark variant comes with a semi-transparent panel.
Install United GNOME For Linux
United GNOME Screenshots
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