Cloud repatriation drivers | Ubuntu

  • Post Updated: April 4, 2024

With the looming macroeconomic uncertainties that are affecting growth, companies are trying to control their costs by downsizing their staff and reducing their infrastructure costs.  One way to reduce infrastructure costs is repatriating workloads from public clouds, which we refer to by “cloud repatriation”. According to a 2021 survey by 451 Research, 48% of respondents repatriated some of their workloads from cloud providers. A percentage that echoes Gartner’s prediction that “more than 50% of data migration initiatives will exceed their budget and timeline—and potentially harm the business—because of flawed strategy and execution”.

We can avoid many cloud repatriations with proper planning and design as detailed in this whitepaper. We can also avoid cloud repatriation by looking more closely at the drivers pushing organisations to move away from public clouds. This article is the first in a series that aims to help you avoid costly mistakes and misconceptions…

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