Chromium OS for SBCs Project Needs Your Help to Continue Full-Scale Work

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

Softpedia was informed today by Dylan Callahan from the Chromium OS for SBCs (Single-Board Computers) project that they are looking for new team members to continue full-scale work.

It would appear that the guys behind this awesome project that offered us a nicely cooked port of the open-source Chromium OS operating system for Raspberry Pi 2 and then Raspberry Pi 3, and several other single-board devices, hit a bump on the road, but this is not the end of the Chromium OS for SBCs project.

We had a quick chat with Mr. Callahan, and he told us that some of the team members had to leave the project to pursue other endeavors, which happens all the time, and not only with open source projects like this one. Anyway, long story short, Dylan Callahan, which is now the leader of Chromium OS for SBCs, needs your help to re-launch the project.

“I’ve been working on a new Beta, and been working on a lot of bugs and new features. H… (read more)

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