MAME 0.183 Open-Source Arcade Machine Emulator Supports Incredibly Rare Systems

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

The developers of the open-source and multi-platform MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) computer emulator application announced the availability of MAME 0.183.

MAME 0.183 is a maintenance and feature release of the software project that promises to add numerous functionality improvements, a bunch of bug fixes, and some new additions, such as support for some incredibly rare systems, including Omega, Dodge Man, Flash Boy, Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter, Galaxy Games StarPak 3, and Puzznic.

“Omega is an Arkanoid-inspired arcade game with a production run of about ten boards. Dodge Man is a rare Omori title from 1983. The vertical version of Flash Boy, a DECO Cassette title that borrows more than a little from a well-known anime is another very rare game that was at risk of becoming nothing but a memory,” reads the release announcement.

The new MAME release also adds support for various handheld/electronic toys games, among whic… (read more)

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