You Can Now Install the Atom Hackable Text Editor as a Snap on Ubuntu Linux

  • Post Updated: April 3, 2024

Canonical’s David Callé is informing the Ubuntu community today that the Atom open-source and cross-platform hackable text editor loved by numerous developers can now be installed in Ubuntu Linux as a Snap.

Mark Shuttleworth promised to focus on advancing the development of the Snappy technologies, which allow users to install Snap packages across multiple Linux-based operating systems, so we should see more and more popular apps packaged as Snaps.

Atom is the latest app to be packaged as a Snap, which users can install on all Snappy-enabled Ubuntu releases, including Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.10, and Ubuntu 17.04, but also various other popular distros that support Snaps, such as Fedora, Arch Linux, and openSUSE.

“So why does it make sense to have Atom packaged as a Snap? Snaps mean simple installation and update management, without affecting the application: everything works as expected, including extensions,” <… (read more)

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