Hello everyone, how are you all doing today? We have a theme pack that includes Telinkrin theme and Arrongin theme available for download. These themes are made by the same creator, who is for sure one of the best in the business, he is known as paullinuxthemer and if you check out his GitHub link, you will see his other themes, all of them are excellent but these two we have today might be the best he has ever made.
Today we will feature two themes that are based off the extremely popular Ambiance theme for Ubuntu. The Telinkrin and Arrongin themes are very similar in the way the look that’s why we decided to put them together on one page like the author of the themes himself also has done. These themes work perfectly on your Ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10 version with no major bugs or issues reported yet. We have also included the recommended Icon theme you should try once you have the themes installed, at the same time please remember to either use Ubuntu Tweak tool, Gnome tweak tool or Unity tweak tool when you want to update or change settings for this theme pack, it makes it much easier. Let me know what you think of the theme in the comments below, enjoy.
Install Telinkrin Theme on Ubuntu
Install Arrongin Theme on Ubuntu
Install Telinkrin & Arrongin Theme Icon Set
Manually Install Telinkrin & Arrongin Dependencies via Command Line
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf
Screenshot of Telinkrin & Arrongin Theme

Quick Links: Check out the Best Ubuntu Themes for 22.04, Flat Remix Icon Theme, & macOS Mojave Theme for Ubuntu