Hi! How is everybody today feeling? If your good am also having a great time so far. As you all know am a performer, a magician for that matter, getting so much followers on Instagram is my aim and today I just had a hundred plus followers, it’s the reason I seem to be a little over the moon. And if you are having a rough day, please keep reading because this might take your stress away. There is this game that’s going to take your stress away really quick, faster than fidget spinners and I promise you’ll be laughing again in no time. This awesome game is called SLAY THE SPIRE.
Slay the spire is one of the fantastic games for Linux that’s still known until today. Basically this is a single player game where card games and rogues are fused together to make the best deck builder. So it’s good news to all the Linux gamers, because this game is readily available and it works perfect on Ubuntu, Linux Mint. Slay the Spire was both developed and published by Mega Crit Games.
What Is Slay The Spire Game About?
Slay the Spire is the video game analog. And that’s a great thing. For those not in the know – this is a card game with the core mechanic of hand-management. What this means is that strategy is largely focused on how many cards you keep in your deck. For instance you may prune your deck to have few cards, but all of them are heavy hitters. Another strategy may be to have a ton of cards and you focus on increasing the number of turns you are taking (energy). It’s cool.
The cards and relics have very unique synergies, but it’s also not overly convoluted! The fact that the deck system is dynamic keeps me coming back for more runs! The rush of getting that one card for your deck, or getting another card to change your mental process and possibly have you think twice about your build…As other reviews before me have said, it is a great example of a game that is easy to pick up, but hard to master.
slay the spire has wonderful artwork wonderful soundtrack. Currently two characters with very different play styles wide variety of cards between the two characters, offering many deck variations. Relics offer multitudes of playstyles and adds variety to runs. Dungeons offer many different and unique paths, including normal fights, elite fights, merchant shops, and DnD-styled, story-like encounters with possibilities of great rewards…or your own demise.
Although there’s no guarentee the game will screw you over once in a while with its randomness, but even then sometimes it isn’t too bad as the excitement of starting over and potentially having a better run than before is enough to tide over the expectation of failure from RNG.
The battle-system is essentially like Hearthstone, where you have ‘X’ amount of mana(Energy as it’s called in this) to cast spells, attacks, abilities or block, but you do not gain Energy with passing turns, you have to find relics, or spells that increase your total Energy.
The game currently only has 2 characters, but I’m excited to see more and more from this game, and hoping it doesn’t simply stop at 3 characters and 3 floors. This game has an incredible amount of attention and hope to see it ported to handheld just like Darkest Dungeon.
Slay The Spire Features:
- Two core characters that each have their own unique set of cards. (With more planned)
- 200+ fully implemented cards.
- 50+ unique combat encounters.
- 100+ different items to be found.
- Procedurally generated levels.
- Tons of unlockables.
Dynamic Deck Building
Choose your cards wisely! Discover hundreds of cards to add to your deck with each attempt at climbing the Spire. Select cards that work together to efficiently dispatch foes and reach the top.
An Everchanging Spire
Whenever you embark on a journey up the Spire, the layout differs each time. Choose a risky or safe path, face different enemies, choose different cards, discover different relics, and even fight different bosses!
Powerful Relics to Discover
Powerful items known as relics can be found throughout the Spire. The effects of these relics can greatly enhance your deck through powerful interactions. But beware, obtaining a relic may cost you more than just gold.
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