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Ubuntu-Based Zorin OS Gets Better Support for Windows Apps, Desktop Improvements

Ubuntu based zorin os gets better support for windows apps desktop improvements

A new maintenance update of the Ubuntu-based Zorin OS GNU/Linux distribution arrived at the end of this week with a bunch of enhancements to its desktop environment, as well as the latest versions of core components and apps.

Zorin OS 12.3 is here as the latest stable update of the Ubuntu-based operating system with a focus on improving the security, stability, and functionality of Zorin OS, which was always known as one of the most reliable open-source alternatives to Microsoft’s Windows operating system.

Therefore, probably the most important change of the Zorin OS 12.3 release is the introduction of Wine 3.0, the latest stable version of the compatibility layer for running Windows programs on Linux and UNIX-like systems, which ensures better compatibility with more Windows apps and games on Zorin OS.

“Amongst a myriad of other upgrades, the Wine developers have focused on improving how Windows games run thanks to the introduction of Direct3D 10 & 11 support. Th… (read more)

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