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Debian-Based siduction 2016.1 "Patience" GNU/Linux Distro Gets Linux Kernel 4.9

Debian based siduction 2016 1 patience gnu linux distro gets linux kernel 4 9

Ferdinand Thommes was proud to announce on Christmas Eve the release and general availability for download of the siduction 2016.1 “Patience” GNU/Linux operating system.

Based on the Debian Unstable repositories, which are also known as Debian Sid, and dubbed “Patience,” siduction 2016.1 is here more than two years after the last stable release of the desktop-oriented distribution for personal computers, and one year after the siduction 15.1.0 development release.

It comes with the usual noX, X.Org, LXDE, Xfce, and KDE Plasma 5 flavors, and it’s powered by the recently released Linux 4.9 kernel, which has been injected by the development team with various patches. siduction 2016.1 “Patience” also ships with an up-to-date graphics stack based on the latest X.Org Server 1.19.0 display server.

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