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System76 Releases Pop!_OS 19.10 with Many Improvements, Based on Ubuntu 19.10

System76 releases pop os 19 10 with many improvements based one ubuntu 19 10 527956 4

System76, an American hardware manufacturer known for producing and selling Linux computers, released a new version of its in-house built, Ubuntu-based operating system, Pop!_OS Linux.

Based on Canonical’s recently released Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) operating system, Pop!_OS Linux 19.10 ships with the latest GNOME 3.34 desktop environment and introduces a new upgrade process that supports offline upgrades, which will be used from now on to upgrade between Pop!_OS releases.

“When an upgrade becomes available, it is downloaded to your computer. Then, when you decide to upgrade to the newest version of your OS, the upgrade will overwrite the current version of your software. However, this is not to be confused with an automatic update,” writes Systems76 on their <a href="… (read more)

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