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Download Google Cloud SDK for Ubuntu

Google Cloud on Ubuntu

Hello everyone, you can download Google Cloud SDK for Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04 to experience one of the most sought after Cloud services on the web from Google themselves.

Today we will highlight some reasons why we think you should go ahead and give this ‘app’ a try, I don’t know if it is a exactly an app but well, ya I guess it is, in this page though I referred to it more so as a tool. Either way, it gets the job done and it is honestly one of the best things Google has done for the Linux community. I have been using Google’s Cloud for maybe 2 years if not more, I use their platform to usually test some private projects I am working on before deploying them online. I can’t really complain with what it can do and what it offers. Using the command-line is faster for me sometimes and I am able to quickly and easily see what is going on right in front of me. The real deal is that it automatically integrates with other Google Cloud APIs and if you know anything about the amount of Google APIs available, you would know that this is a gold mine! From Google maps integration, YouTube to Machine Learning APIs, it’s all there to be accessed through this Google Cloud SDK for your Linux platform. Let me know in the comments what you think about it and if it is worth your time to try and install. By the way, there is a price attached to this after the free trial but it’s worth it if you plan to use Google cloud services.

Install Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu

Download Google Cloud SDK via Snap Store

Manually install Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu using Terminal

You can install Cloud SDK using a snap package on Ubuntu systems. This package contains the gcloud tool, gcloud alpha, gcloud beta, gsutil, kubectl, anthoscli, docker-credential-gcloud, and bq commands only. It doesn’t include kubectl or the App Engine extensions required to deploy an application using the gcloud tool.

At the command line, install the Cloud SDK snap package:

snap install google-cloud-sdk --classic

To add Cloud SDK tools to your PATH and enable command completion in your Bash shell, source /path/to/gcloud/ in your profile.

To initialize the gcloud tool and get started, run gcloud init:

gcloud init

What is Google Cloud SDK About?

Google Cloud SDK is a Command-line interface for Linux to work with Google Cloud Platform products and services.

The gcloud command-line tool manages authentication, local configuration, developer workflow, interactions with Google Cloud APIs. With the gcloud command-line tool, it’s easy to perform many common cloud tasks, like creating a Compute Engine VM instance, managing a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, and deploying an App Engine application.

Google Cloud SDK Features:

Google Cloud SDK Video

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