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Canonical Cancels Physical Windows Subsystem for Linux Event, Now Online-Only

Canonical cancels physical windows subsystem for linux event now online only 529364 2

Canonical has just announced that WSLConf, the Windows Subsystem for Linux conference that was scheduled to take place this month, is moving to an online-only event due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The venue, which was originally projected to take place on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA, will now be live-streamed entirely as a safety measure against virus infections.

“We will have presentations from developers, security professionals, teams from Canonical and Microsoft, and other passionate community members. This is an exclusive opportunity to connect directly with engineering teams building on and with WSL. By joining the event, you’ll hear from and interact with speakers in our global community to learn, collaborate, and help shape the future of WSL,” Canonical explains.

Tech giants canceling their events

Canonical switching to an online-only event isn’t surprising, as Microsoft itself has adjusted its schedule due to the coronavirus.

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